About MCTV
Midland Community Television Network (Charter 188-191 & AT&T Uverse Ch 99) are the City of Midland's public, education, and government access television channels. It is the purpose of MCTV to provide the people and organizations in the Midland area with an opportunity to be involved in using the television medium to inform, communicate, educate, and entertain.
MCTV 191-Community Voices features non-commercial programs produced or submitted by community members.
MCTV 189 -Messages is a community message board channel. Residents and non-profits located in Midland County may use this channel to post MCTV-approved messages. There's a $25 annual fee for this service.
MGTV 188 - Midland Government Television cablecasts programs produced or submitted by government agencies, primarily the City of Midland. A message board about City services is also cablecast.
MPSTV -190 Midland Public Schools features news and information of Midland Public Schools. Tune in here for information about school closings and cancellations, event information and lunch menus.
Cable Issues
The above channels are shown on Charter Communications cable system in the City/County of Midland and in parts of the surrounding townships. The channels are also available through channel 99 on AT&T's U-verse product
MCTV is a service of the City of Midland funded through Cable TV franchise fees paid by Charter Communications and AT&T. Email Us with Questions
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